I am Abinaya Palanisamy, a final year Computer Science Student. My experience with Analytics Avenue is incredibly useful to expand my knowledge in the field of Data Analytics. Analytics Avenue is a place where theoretical knowledge transforms into practical skills. Here I have learnt SQL, Power BI and presently learning Python. The mentors in Analytics Avenue will provide you with solutions for your doubts and guide you in your journey of exploring and learning Data Analytics and Science. The hands-on training and tasks helped me to revisit the topics which are taught in classes. The real-time projects helped me to explore the dataset with the practical skills I have gained and arrive at insights and solutions. The guidance of my mentors assisted me to navigate the field of Data Analytics with confidence.
ViewVerse is a fictional Video Sharing platform like YouTube where content creators from different parts of world engage with their audience through captivating content. This video platform contains videos of all categories and provides a sense of community. ViewVerse platform aims to enhance the user experiences and optimize the content delivery. The platform is looking for a way to increase their revenue by improving the user engagement by optimizing the delivery of content according to their own preferences. This Data Analytics project is determined to provide Data – Driven Solutions by analyzing the User engagement and interaction with the content and ads. By gaining insights about viewers preferences, viewers interaction with trending content, prime time watches and ad interactions, this project intended to empower the ViewVerse Stakeholders with the strategies to improve user engagement, platform growth and to maximize the revenue opportunities.
- Social Media Platforms: To improve the marketing strategies and user engagement.
- Streaming Services: To personalize the contents by gaining the insights about the user preferences to improve the user satisfaction.
- E-Commerce Platforms: To analyze the purchasing behaviors and patterns.
- Gaming Industry: To provide personalized gaming experiences and in-game purchasing offers.
- News and Media Outlets: To provide news contents to specific audience.
- Educational Platform: To recommend relevant courses to improve the learning experiences.
The primary objective of this project is to provide curated solutions to improve the platform performance and revenue opportunities by applying Advanced Analytical approaches using Power BI. By analyzing the user engagement with the platform’s contents, user preferences and user’s interaction with ads we can obtain data – driven insights which will be helpful in designing strategies. These strategies will empower the enhancement of business.
- Python: To Create the dataset.
- Power BI: To conduct in-depth analysis and to provide appealing data visuals to communicate data-informed decisions.
- Male users outnumbers the female users on ViewVerse Platform.
- The highest number of users have joined in 2023 both genders combined.
- Approximately 24.93% users in the platform holds premium subscription and number of people who subscribed for premium subscription reached its peak in 2023.
- Korea boasts the highest number of users in this platform whereas the Falkland Island has the lowest number of ViewVerse users.
Since, the stakeholders expect to enhance the growth of users we can implement the following steps:
- Target specific areas with targeted marketing. We can analyze the user segmentation data and tailor marketing messages which resonates with people’s preferences.
- Offering localized contents to reach diverse audience.
- Simplify the user signup process.
- Focusing on individual user retention and preferences.
- Fostering a sense of community by facilitating interactions, discussions and lives.
- Continuously update and optimize the platform based on feedback.
- Collaborating with new partners and content creators to expand content offerings and to enhance the visibility of the platform.
- Movies are the most preferred content category followed by music, art and technology. This indicates that users likes to view long-form entertainment. Users preference in watching music, art and technology depicts the wide range of user interests.
- Viewers equally prefer to watch content from content creators who create contents both regularly and inconsistently.
- Viewership peaks during prime time across all categories of contents by 70%.
- Viewers tend to watch trending content 79.75% more and watches it more than once completely.
- Viewers watching the content completely indicates a high engagement and high satisfaction towards the content.
- Viewers spend most of their time watching trending contents which earns their interests.
- Viewers use the platform mostly in prime time to watch content.
To promote the user engagement at all times and all type of content we can carry out the following strategies:
- We can learn the preferences through surveys and provide personalized recommendations.
- Fostering community engagement with discussions, interactions and comment sections.
- Offering exclusive content and sneak peaks.
- Enabling social media sharing and engagement.
- Gather feedback to continuously improve the platform.
- Introducing innovative features and content formats.
- Highest number of ads were encountered while watching movies.
- A significant number of ads were played in trending content in prime time than any other instances.
- 80.57% of ads were encountered by viewers while watching trending content
- 70% of ads were encountered by viewers in Prime time, highlighting this period as the peak time for ad exposure.
- Ads relevant to electronics were clicked most.
- Smith brand has the highest number of ads in the platform whereas the Crane brand has the least number of ads placed in the platform.
- A majority of 40% ads encountered in Prime time were clicked by the viewers.
Social Media Platform like ViewVerse will generate revenue through advertising, sponsored content, subscription services, E-Commerce Integration, data licensing, in-app purchases, collaborations and partnerships. So there is a need to optimize the ad placement in the content to gain more clicks to generate revenue from ad clicks. The strategies to place better ads in content and to upgrade the ads click by Viewers are:
- Integrate ads seamlessly in the natural breaks within the content to avoid interrupting the users.
- Place ads that are relevant to the content.
- Tailor ad placing according to user preferences, regions and audience category.
- Incorporate In-video overlay ads that overlays on the top of the content to catch the attention of the viewer.
- Create interactive ads by placing quizzes and polls.
- Experiment with different format ads such as display ads, video ads, interactive ads to identify the format of ad which drives most clicks.
- Monitor ad performance regularly and optimize the ad placements using Data – driven insights to obtain more clicks.
- The conversion rate from ad clicks to leads is 4.28%.
- Clark and Nelson are the brands that acquired more number of clients than other brands.
- Most number of who clicked the ads and turned as leads were from Professionals category of audience.
- Most people who clicked the Automotive ads in Prime Time were converted to leads.
Leads are people who clicked the ads and shown interest to the product. Improving the business is the aim of creating Ads. After the advertising we will get to meet people who are interested in our product. This people are called leads. So lead generation is the next expected outcome from advertisements. Here are few ways to increase the lead generation:
- Target the suitable audience for the product.
- Create a visually appealing and creative ad.
- Provide valuable and relevant content in the ads.
- Offer incentives such as discounts, exclusive offers or free trials to people who share their contact information.
- Include customer reviews in the ad.
- Show personalized ads to people who had previously interacted with the ad.
- Follow up the lead with their contact information.
- A total of $5.2K revenue is produced by Ad Clicks.
- There is a significant 33% increase in Ad Clicks revenue in 2023 when compared to 2022 Ad Clicks revenue.
- The Smith brand ads generate the highest amount of revenue from Clicks, while Salinas generate the least amount of income from clicks.
- A total of $52.4K revenue is generated by Lead Generation.
- There is a notable 23% increase in Lead generation revenue in 2023 compared to the revenue by lead in 2022.
- Smith Brand ads generate the highest income through lead generation, while the Lester brand provides the least income.
- The total revenue generated through ads are $57.6K.
- Automotive category of ads provide more revenue than other categories.
- There is 21.4% increase in revenue from 2022 to 2023.
- Smith brand produces highest total income through ads whereas the Lester brand produces least total revenue.
- There is a 4.04% of increase in total income in the next 30 days.
- There is a 5.27% of increase in the population of users in the next 30 days.
- Revenue Growth: There is a significant growth in Ad Clicks revenue and Lead generation revenue indicates positive growth trend in 2023.
- Brand Performance: Smith Brand ads create the highest revenue in Ad clicks and lead generation, while Salinas and Lester provide least revenue in the respective revenue categories.
- Category Contribution: Automotive Category ads produces highest number of leads.
- Revenue Distribution: Revenue produced by Lead Generation is prominently higher than the revenue generated by Ad Click revenue, thus signifies the importance of lead generation in revenue growth.
- Opportunities for optimization: Analyzing brand and category performances reveals the opportunities to leverage successful brands and categories while optimizing the underperformance brand for maximizing the revenue.
I am expressing my sincere gratitude for reading the blog till end. I extend my heartfelt thanks to Analytics Avenue for providing me an incredible opportunity to publish my blog. The guidance offered by the mentors of Analytics Avenue have truly helped to grow and develop my skills in the field of Data Analytics.
With sincere gratitude,